For The Best Commercial Range Repair Services
Call Us At 347-407-9242

Need Commercial Refrigeration Experts In Midland Beach?

We Also Provide Commercial Refrigeration Repair Service For These Areas of Richmond County: New Dorp Beach, Grant City, Dongan Hills, New Dorp, Oakwood & Midland Beach

Commercial Refrigeration Repair Staten Island

Quick and Reliable Technicans

Reliable Midland Beach New York Commercial Refrigerator repair and maintenance services when you need it most.

Certified, Bonded and Insured

Have undercounter refrigerator problems? Call us for Commercial Refrigeration repair quotes in Midland Beach. Reliable and we're open today!

Same Day Service

Best Commercial Refrigeration Services Midland Beach, 10306, free quote with the completed repair.

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Commercial Refrigeration near me in Midland Beach, New York, when you need professional repair services. Call and arrange a service call. We'll dispatch a technician as soon as possible.

Midland Beach Commercial Refrigeration Repair Services

Midland Beach Commercial Freezer Repair and Maintenance Services Near You

Commercial Freezers maintain your fluids, vegetables, meats and other perishable items frozen until you are ready to use them. It’s very important in order to avoid long downtime situations by getting reliable and timely repairs and maintenance services. In our commercial refrigeration repair company, we know that the correct maintenance and repair operations of your commercial freezers are very important to your business operations, which is why we provide our clients the very best Midland Beach maintenance and repair services.

Top Rated Walk In Freezer Repair Services Midland Beach New York

 commercial walk in freezer repair Midland Beach, commercial freezer repair service in Midland Beach, walk in freezer repair service Midland Beach

Our skilled and accredited technicians can service all models and makes of freezers. They have been educated to identify and repair any problems you might get with refrigeration products. Whether you have to have an emergency repair, a brand new installation or routine maintenance works, the expert techs at Pronto Cooler Repairs Midland Beach are ready to help you by providing the expertise of expert technicians. We can help you protect your investment and lessen losses.

Service You Can Count On For Commercial Reach In Freezer Repair Services

Count on our services for any servicing and repairs to your commercial freezer. We are happy to accept all jobs, no matter how big or how small. From big walk-ins to under-counter units, we are going to provide you with the most effective services at the best prices. We really know how important commercial freezers are to many establishments and what they require, and we make it happen as soon as we can when our clients need us.

Commercial Freezer Repair Repair Services On Midland Beach

So no matter where you happen to be based in Midland Beach, call us today and one of our technicians are certain to get  to you right away. This is why you can rely on us to help you keep your commercial freezers up and running throughout the year.

The next time you need to have commercial freezer maintenance work done or you have a commercial freezer that isn’t working properly, don’t wait for a complete breakdown to occur. Call us straight away and our technicians will be out quickly to assist you! 347-407-9242

Top Midland Beach Walkin Cooler Repair

We are a team of expert repair technicians that are committed to offering the highest quality workmanship, the best customer service, fast response times and great results. We perform efficient and effective walk-in refrigerator service, walk-in freezer repair, walk-in freezer service, walk-in cooler repair, walk-in cooler service, and walk-in refrigerator repair, for the convenience of our customers. We offer efficient, effective walk-in refrigerator servicing, cooler servicing and repairs, and walk-in freezer servicing and repair for a wide range of industries. Our company is fully insured, licensed, and bonded. We can work with both commercial and residential appliances, and our services include:

Industrial refrigerator service and fixes

  • Walk-in freezers and coolers
  • Reach in cooler repairs
  • Reach in freezer repairs
  • Refrigerated display case repairs
  • Glass door coolers servicing
  • All Refrigeration systems for supermarkets
  • Wine coolers
  • Under-counter units
  • Poultry and meat cases
  • Worktop Units
  • Deli counters and Cases
  • Food preparation table repair

Commercial Walk In Cooler Repair – Gasket Repair Services

We are committed to offering the best service and we always put health, safety and quality first. Our vast knowledge and many years of successful practice have helped us to gain an exceptional reputation as a top commercial refrigeration company in the area. No residential or commercial job is too small or too large for us to complete. We are completely focused on resolving all sorts of issues that relate to appliances for our customers. We take great satisfaction in building solid associations with the area’s leading manufacturers.  commercial walk in cooler repair Midland Beach, 24 hr commercial refrigeration company Midland Beach, walk in cooler repair service Midland Beach Our team of technicians is very skilled and talented and is also dedicated to offering good customer service and the very best and efficient fixes. We use the most advanced tools and ways to serve all of the needs of our customers. Call Today 347-407-9242!

Commercial Refrigerator Repair Services

commercial refrigerator repair Midland Beach, restaurant refrigeration repair in Midland Beach, commercial refrigerator repair services Midland Beach Operating a business requires that your commercial refrigerators operate at their full capacity day in, day out. A failing refrigerator can compromise your earnings for the entire day. Pronto Cooler Repairs Midland Beach offers expert refrigeration repair, maintenance, and service in Midland Beach 10306.

Commercial Refrigerator Repair In My Area Midland Beach

Freezers and refrigerators are one of the most commonly used home appliances in our daily life. Latest technological advances requires us to keep upgrading such appliances every few years or so, in order to keep pace with the newest technologies also to enjoy their benefits fully. Consequently companies offering refrigeration services ought to always be knowledgeable with these advancements – otherwise, you won’t just make it in the industry.

Emergency Commercial Refrigerator Services Near Me Midland Beach 10306

We take satisfaction in being one of the businesses that come up with the technology advances. Our technicians are certified plus they know the latest & most modern equipment. Our certified specialists get regular training on the new technologies, thus having the ability to deal with all types of commercial refrigerators. We immediately respond to all repair calls the soonest possible time, no matter if you require commercial refrigeration repair, restaurant refrigerator repair and commercial cooler repair. Some company owners make the error of thinking they may be capable of troubleshooting their appliances. This kind of appliance requires the help of professionals who are experienced in the industry. Our intervention teams drive fully equipped vehicles, being therefore able to tackle any issue right away. Expect to receive the highest quality of service, regardless of your system’s make or model. Our mechanics are prepared and ready with the equipment that they need so they can immediately repair your system as soon as they step foot on your business door. Each of our vans and technicians are thoroughly outfitted which means that they have the things they need to handle the most difficult problems just as soon as they get there. We are capable and authorized to repair any brand. This gives you the assurance that you will always get the very best service whatever the make or model you have.

Emergency Repair for Restaurant Commercial Refrigeration Systems

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Whenever a commercial refrigeration fiasco occurs it can bring your business to a complete halt, and potentially result in losing products worth 1000s of dollars if they are left for a long enough stretch of time. Our refrigeration repair staff at Pronto Cooler Repairs Midland Beach is ready 24/7 to help you with whatever restaurant refrigeration problem you have. We could get to your location within hours, to identify the problem, and to perform the needed repairs to make your restaurant refrigeration systems running again Our team will arrive at your bistro within a few hours and work effectively and efficiently to diagnose the problem and repair it.

Our goal is usually to get your system once again up and running while reducing the time and product damage for your restaurant. Our refrigeration repair staff has the abilities and experience to ensure that your refrigeration repair is completed in a on time, reliable, and affordable manner. If you are a business proprietor who’s having any issues with your commercial refrigeration, Pronto Cooler Repairs Midland Beach has the expertise and skills that you’ll require to get your system running once again.

Preventative Maintenance For Midland Beach Restaurant Commercial Refrigeration

How would you like to expand the life expectancy and to enhance the performance of your refrigeration system, freezer, or walk-in cooler? Call Right now for regular restaurant commercial refrigeration system maintenance today near you in Midland Beach! 347-407-9242

Professionals In Restaurant Refrigerator Repairs

Pronto Cooler Repairs Midland Beach has been in this business for almost 2 decades. During that time, we have gained the reputation for being a business with cutting-edge expertise and ideals that businesses can rely on. It’s not enough to make available competitive services at affordable quotes. We likewise value an ethical and honest working relationship with our customers.

Give us a call for all your commercial refrigeration service needs for your restaurant in Midland Beach New York. Call Now at 347-407-9242.

The Necessity Of Ice Machineѕ Fоr Commercіal Uѕе

manitowoc ice machine repair Midland Beach NY

Believe it оr nоt, but more than 1.2 million ice makers are operating in the USA in such places as restaurants and cafes, hоspitals and hotels, not tо mention many other commercіal facіlіtіes. Ice machines are popular all уеar round and obviouѕly in hospitаls and medical cеntеrs thеy arе used fоr purposes not оnly of drinking cоld drinks but also fоr mеdical gоals. The sprіng and summеr months, when іt is particularly hot, ice machines cаn beсome еvеn more widely uѕеd еvеrywhеrе аѕ the populаtion is trуіng to stаy hydratеd and cool in the heat.

Ice comes in different shapеs and sіzes, such as rectangular and crеscеnt, pillow-shapеd or pure cube. Flake and cruѕhed ice hаѕ become еxtrеmеly popular in recent years duе tо the popularity of fruit ice and smооthies that arе ѕold in many places during the summer. Ice mаkers arе uѕually madе of stainless ѕtееl which does not just prevent corrosion but also provides that slееk еlеgаnt look that dоes reflect the coolness of the ice itself. Cоѕt savings arе verу іmportant when it comes to operatіng anу type of maсhinery in induѕtriеѕ, іncludіng the above mentioned machines. Beсause thеy arе avaіlable in dіffеrеnt typеs of еnеrgy efficiencies, the factor of bеing green and cost-еffеctivе сan be controlled by the clіent, and ѕhould be сonsidered when chooѕing a machine.

In оrder tо рick the right machine the ownеr of a busіness оr оrganіzatіоn needs tо consider and саlсulаte the rеquirеd capacity of the item, and deсide whеthеr іt needs heаvy duty (faѕt food rеstаurаnt) or wіll be used оn an on-аnd-off bаsis (hоtel lobby). When the ice maker is believed to be uѕеd rarеly іt іs іmportant not tо oversize it because energу loѕѕeѕ during standby time cаn be huge.

Noisе levels arе also important for аll tуpes of commеrcial usе but of course this factor іs more rеlеvant in organizations suсh as schооls and hospitals. Reliability iѕ an important factor tо consider when purсhasing ice preparatiоn machinery because thеy should sеrvе owners for years without problems аѕ repairs cаn be prоblematic and difficult to fix аt tіmes. Easily maіntaіnable models can be the оptiоn that is the mоѕt dеsirablе. Regular clеaning and speсial sаnitаtion treatment are аll a muѕt fоr the ice mаkers tо sеrvе fоr longer, and all the staff who work with them nееd to get enough treаtment.

If the аrеа for the ice maker iѕ known for high coѕtѕ of wаtеr then іt іs bеst to сhoose machіnes that take less wаter. Installation considerations ѕhоuld аlso play a big pаrt because аll еxpеnsivе equipment hаѕ tо be instаlled by a true professional who knоws what he is dоing. Ice makеrs cаn be frее standing and portable, whiсh don’t nееd to be installed because thеy are mobilе. Evеry cоmmercial enterprise has its own needѕ and considerations so іt is impоrtant tо wеigh in аll the factors tо make the rіght deciѕionѕ abоut which ice machine tо purchase. Combining reliability with high quality, аs well as energу efficiency, іs the best way tо go.

Commercial Stove and Range Repair Services in Midland Beach – Restaurant Gas Appliance Repair

The operation of gas and electric stoves, ovens, ranges, and ovens is very simple. However, the repairs can be quite complicated. They may need to be repaired for everything from surface repairs and temperature fixes to electrical problems. This calls for routine care and maintenance of your appliances to make sure that they’re functioning efficiently.

Blue Seal Range Repair Midland Beach NY

Here are some problems that can be associated with Commercial Ovens and Stoves.

  • Range isn’t baking.
  • The electric range doesn’t start
  • The oven or range does not heat up when baking.
  • Cooktop elements don’t heat.
    The appliance timer isn’t advancing
  • The appliance doesn’t heat when broiling.
  • Oven is too warm.
  • The appliance control boards doesn’t program.

We can help you with any type of repair or routine maintenance, including repairing your stove, oven, or range. As we have the expertise to repair ovens, stoves, and ranges, our specialty is to restore them to their normal operating condition.

Expert Restaurant Appliance Repair & Maintenance in Midland Beach is dedicated to providing high-quality restaurant appliance repairs & maintenance. It can be very expensive to repair an appliance system. Therefore, we will make sure that any diagnosis is in your best interests.

The Pronto Cooler Repairs team is available to assist you in any way you need. We are experts in commercial refrigeration units, including walkin or reach-in coolers, freezers, as well as restaurant refrigerators, icemakers, stoves, and oven appliance repairs. We also provide preventative maintenance services to ensure your appliances are always running safely and efficiently.

Contact us to book your next appointment.

Range Top Cleaning Tips

There are many types of tops for commercial ranges. Each one must be cleaned in an appropriate manner to maintain its cooking efficiency.

Cleaning a French Top. Spot clean during the day to wipe any spills and maintain heat transmission. At the end of the day, wipe the French top down with warm soapy water for a more thorough cleaning and to increase its longevity.

Cleaning a top griddle. After each day, clean the top of the griddle with a grill brick. Once a week, degrease it. As needed, you can also re-season your griddle.

Cleaning a hottop. The cooking surface should be slightly warm. Use a coarse cloth, such as burlap, to wipe it clean and remove any food residue. The hot top should be taken off if it is too dirty. To prevent rust, you should wipe the hot top with oil after drying.

Cleaning gas open burners. The burner grates must be taken out, cleaned, and dried at the end of each day. You should clean the burner ports (the area where the flame passes through) with a wire brush. To ensure a proper flame, remove any obstructions from the burner and clean them more thoroughly. The flame should be bright and steady. If it is jumpy, yellow or white, a port may be clogged or the gas-to-air mixture is wrong. To adjust the mixture, consult the owner’s handbook.

Monitor Flame and Electric Elements to Ensure Proper Heating

Verify the flame on commercial gas ranges. After cleaning the burners at the end each shift, switch on each burner to check the flame. You should see a steady, blue flame.

Turn off the burner if the flame seems jumpy. Adjust the screw that holds the flame shutter. Check it again, and make any tweaks necessary.

You can create a schedule for cleaning commercial ovens, calibrating them, checking their temperatures, descaling dish-machines, and any other equipment maintenance.

Open the shutter slightly if the flame is too yellowed or white to ensure adequate airflow.

Once you’ve got the flame where it should be, tighten up the shutter.

The port may be clogged if the pilot stops lighting up. The range should be unplugged and the port should be cleaned.

Commercial Oven Repair in Midland Beach – Gas, Convection and Pizza Oven Repairs

Pronto Cooler Repairs knows how important your Stove, Range or commercial oven are to your Midland Beach company or food establishment. Our company has been providing quality and affordable repairs to Midland Beach that will ensure your business is up and running no matter where you are.

Garland Commercial Oven Repair Midland Beach NY


You may have a defective thermostat if your oven is constantly heating up. A thermostat calibration may be necessary. For assistance, contact our experts.

Unsafe thermostats installed in commercial ovens/ranges can cause unreliable temperature measurements, unevenly-cooked food, and unhappy clients. We can help you get back on your feet in no time.

You may have a faulty thermocouple. For technical commercial gas oven repairs, contact Pronto Cooler Repairs.

You can trust Pronto Cooler Repairs with your commercial oven repair or stove – range oven needs. You could lose more business if any part of your commercial kitchen equipment goes out of service.

Our qualified technicians are ready to assist you with any commercial stove & oven repair service anywhere in Midland Beach. No matter the problem, we will work with you to keep your business running efficiently and restore productivity! Repairing or servicing commercial ovens can be challenging. It is best to hire a qualified professional. We at Pronto Cooler Repairs will handle your commercial oven repair so that you can concentrate on your business. Your equipment will be repaired or installed quickly and correctly, reducing down-time and avoiding mistakes.

Appliances will eventually need repair or maintenance. These services can only be provided by our highly-trained and experienced appliance repair professionals. Our services can be performed on a variety of oven brands and models.

We’re your best and reliable option for fast, quick, and affordable repair services. We can fix any issue with your oven/range, whether it doesn’t keep hot or not turning on at all. We have many local repair professionals available 24 hours a day, ready to help you in an emergency.

Never lose a single day of business! Knowing your equipment can breakdown at any time, Pronto Cooler Repairs. Emergency Service available 24/7 in Richmond County.

Contact us today at 347-407-9242 if you need assistance with repair of commercial restaurant equipment. Pronto Cooler Repairs offers full-service and can serve all areas in Midland Beach, which includes all of Richmond County, NYC and Long Island

Serving Your Restaurant Equipment Repair Needs In Staten Island, Richmond Terrace Houses, Travis, Seaside, Bloomfield 

Learn About Midland Beach And Fun Things To Do Around Richmond County, New York 10306

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